Monday, January 26, 2009

Trains, Muffins, & Audio Design

I had the pleasure of going back to school today after more than a month off. I recently decided to enroll into Columbia College and work towards a Bachelor's degree in Audio Design and Production aka Recording. I originally intended to study to become a History teacher, but plans always change. So, after weeks of planning and going through the motions registration, judgment day came.

My day began at exactly 6 A.M., after a sleepless night. I love how insomnia decides to strike the night before I have to get up ass early. To get to the school I had to board the El @ Lake and Harlem, a wonderful little experience...

It wasn't long before the car we were in began to wreak of gas fumes. Seemed pretty normal, but I will admit to being a little alert as to why it would smell of gas. I figured if we burst into flames at least it would look cool flying by the station.
We made a transfer to the Red Line somewhere @ Lake/State and took that down to Harrison which is right down the block from the school.

Dunkin Donuts= breakfast of champions

First class of the day is something called 'New Millennium Studies' and seems pretty pointless. It is a requirement no matter what, but it is such a waste of time. We sit around and "find ourselves"....I hate open education. I will give it credit though, our first assignment is to read Persepolis, some form of a graphic novel. We all know that graphic novels are just fine with me. The professor is this really quiet,calm, and completely docile guy that you know is just going to EXPLODE when someone pisses him off. I'm just waiting for it now. Anticipating his flip out is almost worth the time spent in this shit class.

At some point after this piss poor excuse for a class, I managed to find the school library. Now this is a very cool building. It's 5 floors of nothing but books and resources. First thing I had to investigate was the graphic novel section...SCORE! A whole wall of Marvel, DC, and independent books readily available. It was an honest moment of joy. I of course checked out some Batman books to start with. I'm looking forward to reading The Boondocks collections they have.

By this time in the day, I had braved the cold for several hours in the city ( seriously what the hell man, I love Chicago, but wtf). To justify the title of the post I suppose I should mention that I did indeed eat a blueberry muffin and it was delicious.

The only other class I had was Intro to Audio which apparently involved A LOT of math...damn. It is also 3 hours long, and normally wouldn't have been a problem, but after a sleepless night, I was dying an hour in. Good class, but everyone in there seems to either be a 'rapper' or in an indie rock band. I take great offense to the 'rappers' because most of these kids don't know the first thing about being a 'rapper' or about music in general. They figure they can attend Columbia and graduate with a degree in Big Pimpin...I hate them so. They need a wake up call.

At the end of the day, all I wanted was to get my U-pass. For those that don't know, a U-pass is a transit card given by the college for CTA rides 24/7. I really needed to get mine, but apparently they did not have it. Seems that after standing in line for a half hour to get it, I had to go stand in another LONG line to take a picture for it. Never mind the fact that they already had my picture to use. Indeed a long day. I get to do it all over again tomorrow.

Fuck it though, I get to be in my city all day and the bitches, oh the bitches.

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