Thursday, January 29, 2009

Like A Cop Car...

Criminal or not, fact is, I hear sirens as too. Well, maybe not the sirens you're thinking of. Do you recall ever hearing stories as a child about sirens of the sea? You know, beautiful women who would lure sailors with their irresistible voices. I think they're usually pictured as being mermaids or something close to that.

Well, in the real world, we don't have mermaids, but we do have sirens. True story. There's plenty of women on this earth who can put you in a trance just with the sound of their voice. I'm talking about a real sensual and seductive voice that you just can't walk away from. There's plenty of female singers that I could go on about as far as this goes. One in particular has recently caught my attention.

No, it isn't some indie rock chick or even some artsy, trendy singer. It's about as Pop as you can get. Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls. Oh no! I'm writing about the Pussycat Dolls?! Yes, deal with it. Now I'm not a fan of PCD per se , but I am a fan of Pop music. Fact is, I'm in the recording business,so I try to listen to and study all popular radio music. Now then, seeing as almost all of the PCD's music is sung entirely by Nicole, I have heard plenty of her voice. I have also come to the conclusion that she has one of the sexiest voices I may have ever heard. There is just something about the way she sings that makes her hotter than she already is.

Note the picture below:

Let's get something straight now. This isn't some discussion on whether the PCD make good music or not. It's chick music, straight up. Nicole Scherzinger is although, in my opinion, a very talented singer. I make no claim that she could open at the opera house or anything like that. Simply put, she is good at what she does. She is able to manipulate her voice in certain ways that set her apart from other Pop singers. She has, plain and simple, a VERY seductive voice. Hot body and hot voice, sign me up.

The latest radio single from PCD:

Kiss Fm
Needs to stop playing the same 10 songs every hour. Seriously,it's gotten to be a joke. They play the same shit so much that I can't listen to certain songs anymore. "Heartless" by Kanye West is out the window for me. Used to be one of my favorite tracks, but they played it 12 times in one day. Done, I'm done with this station. Unfortunate too because Kiss Fm is what I listen to in order to keep up to date with what's hot.

Vibe isn't so hip...
I recently heard that at some point in the last month or so, Vibe magazine featured an article in which they stated their 'Hates' and 'Loves' of recent Hip Hop trends. To their credit, they were on point with some of their loves and hates. But I was a little disappointed to see what they considered a 'hate'. Tight jeans on rappers. Really? Personally, I'm glad to see the direction Hip Hop is moving in as far as fashion goes. Honestly, baggy jeans are so played out it isn't even funny. It's a mistake in music fashion, just like acid wash jeans. It's embarrassing.

Featured Tee Of The Day:

$32.00 @

New Jadakiss track, "Letter to Biggie" and to go with the theme "Brooklyn Go Hard" from Jay-Z.

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